Opportunity Heats Up as Honeywell Connects with Homeowners

Opportunity Heats Up as Honeywell Connects with Homeowners

Honeywell has always been known for making "things." Thanks to the power of data and Dynamics 365, it now makes connected things -- leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT) to drive innovation and deliver more value to customers.

"Honeywell has always made great products," says Scott Harkins, Vice President of Honeywell's IoT Partner Programs, Connected Homes. "Now we make great products that are connected. And this connectivity unlocks a whole new relationship with our consumers. For the first time, we're learning from massive numbers of consumers how they use our products and what's of interest to them. And we can inform them when we add new features."

How can you harness the full power of data? With Dynamics 365, you can deliver predictive and proactive service that improve customer experiences and empower employees. Virtual Office Solutions can help. Contact us today to get started.


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